Ridgerunner, I'm not sure if I have the metal cutting wheel, but I'm trying to steel myself up for the task. I gotta try the towel wrap. I actually heard of that many times before and it just didn't cross my mind at the time. As far as bleeding, he bled a LOT. It wasn't pouring out but constantly dripping - I'd say a drop about every 15 secs or so. It wasn't slowing, so we wrapped it and they when we noticed the other spur was hitting the fresh one. Thanks for sharing the info!
I like the grinder attachment myself. You must have one of those for your Dremmel. It takes a bit longer, like maybe one minute of careful grinding, to get the spur sheath ground down to where you want it to be. The advantage of a grinder attachment to the cutting wheel is that it allows you to see when you're approach the quick, therefore avoiding the very problem you had with the other spur. If you do happen to grind a bit too far, the resulting tiny bit of bleeding should cauterize itself from the heat of the grinding.
If you do this at night, taking the roo off the roost, wrapping him in a towel, he should be very relaxed and not put up any resistance.