RePairing Mandarin Ducks.


6 Years
Mar 5, 2013
So I had a only one pair of mandarin ducks and both were very beautiful. Now some predator attacked my female mandarin duck and now she has disappeared. So if I buy another mandarin female than would they pair up. I've heard that they only mate for life.

Please Help!!!!!!!!!:(
I think you will find they are not monogamous for life...They may not breed this season, but we've seen them switch mates when in flocks. You shouldn't have any issues. I laugh when people say that ducks and geese are strictly monogamous! We've never seen it! Maybe in a few wild duck/goose species, but almost any of the domesticated ones can be re-bonded easily.
If I cross the guy with an albino, what would the baby look like. Should I do this or not. Should I get an albino or a common mandarin female. The male is a common.

First, it's not an albino, it's a white....big difference. Any young would be normal, but split to white. If your drake was not exposed to whites while a duckling, it may prolong pairing a year or so.

So , you are saying that I can cross it with a white. What's should I do . Give him a white or a normal colored female.
Yes, you can...but I can not tell you what to do...if he has not been exsposed to whites it could be a year or more before he pairs.

In addition, breeders should be concerned to keep wild type and mutations apart because cross breeding wild type and mutations threatens the purity of the captive stock...and mandarin ducks, since their numbers decrease in their natural habitat, depend on a pure genepool in captivity.
Very great question. The male wouldn't be as happy as he probably grew up with her all his life. They will probably be okay with time like the person above said. They might not mate this year but maybe next year. Ducks are unpredictable. I think the white would look cute if the other duck is used to white.
We'll my mandarin duck was previously paired to a common so it would be fine if I gave him another common. It would be more happier with a common. Not a white.
Am I correct? :/

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