Reptile Photos! **DUW**

Sorta makes me wanna breed mice for my snakes but sadly they can't seem to get satisfied enough off them.
Maybe for the snake babies if I breed them.
at risk of getting in *trouble*... does anyone here hatch quail for reptile food?
One of the reasons DH doesn't want DS's' Rosy Boa to come live here (currently at grama's in Norco...she bought her for my brother, & his wife got away with saying no... so she's DS's) is the smell of the mice. Quail smell good, right?

And Madison, if you don't go to Stockton, I might ferry some of those pretty mice for ya.
Excuse me, if you're going to have that kind of attitude, please stay off of my thread. We can discuss what we like, if you don't approve don't read the thread.

Madison, those mice are gorgeous! I want some! Lol.

Laurie, have you guys considered frozen/thawed. They're much easier to store, you can buy in bulk, they're safer and there is no smell! I raise my own feeders and then put them in the freezer as I get them. Thanks!
I don't believe Rosy Boas get big enough to eat quail, they usually are 2-3' sometimes 4'.


Depends on the quail I guess. Buttons are pretty small, lol. But you can feed chicks. They can be euthanized and frozen as well, but I'm not sure about their nutritional value versus mice. That would be something to look in to.
Rodents are a more complete nutricious supply for snakes, people usually only feed poultry (quail or chicks) as a treat or if they have a picky eater. If you do frozen thawed mice you wont have the smell, they're just little "rodent popcicles" in your freezer lol.

Thanks for the offer, Laurieks, I'll let you know!
So I just realized that today was the last day to have entry forms for stockton mailed in. :X Oops.... Anyone have info on the fresno show thats in... February? I think?

Long time no chat. Just popped in on this thread and wanted to say that your pets are so cool! Thanks for sharing the photos
Rosie is with my mom now-all she could find in Norco were frozen, and she said Rosie didn't like them. Nice name, huh? I think she'll get a new name if she comes here.
Thanks for the nutrition tip Madison

(I may end up in Fresno too... this roo got into it with an elder and broke feathers on both wings; if he DQ's we might go... he deserves a nice breeder home, with no free range elders. Otherwise Sonoma County Fair is our next show.)
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