Rescued 3 chicks from TSC pullet bin.. what could they be?


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Mishawaka, Indiana
Noticed 3 bloody bottoms and some major pecking issues at TSC today, so I rescued the 3 little injured gals. They were in a "Pullet" bin, which is seperate from the "Red Pullets".. Is anyone familiar with what kind of pullets TSC sells out of these bins? I always hear about the Tetras, but even after combing the forum I'm still not exactly sure what a Tetra chick looks like! These girls are yellow and look very similar to my red-sex link x RIR chicks hatched almost 2 weeks ago. The mystery girls seem to be right around 2 weeks also. I've included a picture down below but it's probably not much help since A) the mystery chicks have the same coloring as my chicks and B) the pic is in b&w since you can't see anything in a color pic w/ infrared lighting!

Any guesses are appreciated

OH! I almost forgot.. These chicks have light brown eyes, unlike my chicks who have blue-ish eyes. Hope that helps!

The chick pecking the monkey's eyeball is one of mine


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