Rescued chicks-What breed is it?


11 Years
Mar 30, 2011
Leakey Texas

Three weeks ago we rescued 14 chicks. We don't have any idea what they are. Several have the light green legs and the others have light to darker yellow legs. They all have the same coloring in their feathers. I noticed in this picture, what appears to be a tiny spur growing on it's leg, but not sure. Can anyone help me with the type of breed this might be?
There was a man that lived in our neighborhood that had fighting roosters and hens to go with them. He moved away and left a few roosters and hens running wild through the neighborhood. I certainly believe these chicks are a batch from that flock. I have a feeling they must be game chicks of some sort, but I don't know enough about the breed to be certain. They have excellent flight even at three weeks of age. I'm just trying to raise them the best I can.

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