Rescued Quail: ID and help?


5 Years
Apr 4, 2014
Hello there, helpful people!

Last night, we found a small quail-like birdie huddled at the bottom of our steps. It's all fluffed up and seems to have trouble walking, but is eating and drinking fine. I've been feeding it finch food (the best I could do on short notice).

We have some neighbors that have chickens, but they said it wasn't theirs. This is in an urban area (Miami), so I have no idea where it came from.

Does anyone have any idea what it is? Male or female? It's got a dark beak, pinkish legs with 4 forward facing toes, and a plain-ish tan-ish breast.

Is there anything I can do for it besides keep it warm and quiet? I don't see any noticeable injuries.

Thank you so much for any help you can provide!

Looks like a male coturnix quail to me! He looks a bit frazzled to me. How is he acting? Make sure he has water and try to get him a small bag of unmedicated game bird crumble feed with 24% to 30% protein. Are you planning on keeping him? He's a cutie!
It is a male Cortunix, they make great pets. But will fly short distances and the cats will kill it. So if you are keeping it, get game bird food,and a nice pen to keep it in.
Thank you for your responses! I spent so much time on the internet trying to figure out what he was, when it looks like I should have just asked here first. :). I've got the food now, and he's still living in my bathroom at the moment.

If I may ask another question: at first I thought he was just in shock and probably roughed up by a cat. But now, days later, he still is all fluffed up, not moving around much, and looks like he's having trouble breathing.

I suspect some sort of infection. At times, I've heard him wheeze or click when he breathes, although it's not constant. He has a good appetite and will shuffle over to the food dish when I fill it. And, holy crap (sorry), he poops like a champ!

So: any ideas on how to treat him? I've had finches with air sac mites in the past, but I don't know how likely that is in a quail. I figure I should dose him with some antibiotics, but which ones? I've been researching quail diseases and treatments, but I'd love to know what people with experience think.

Also: we've named him Dan. I know, I know, not the most creative :) But especially now that we've named him, I don't want Dan to die!
Thank you for your responses! I spent so much time on the internet trying to figure out what he was, when it looks like I should have just asked here first.
. I've got the food now, and he's still living in my bathroom at the moment.

If I may ask another question: at first I thought he was just in shock and probably roughed up by a cat. But now, days later, he still is all fluffed up, not moving around much, and looks like he's having trouble breathing.

I suspect some sort of infection. At times, I've heard him wheeze or click when he breathes, although it's not constant. He has a good appetite and will shuffle over to the food dish when I fill it. And, holy crap (sorry), he poops like a champ!

So: any ideas on how to treat him? I've had finches with air sac mites in the past, but I don't know how likely that is in a quail. I figure I should dose him with some antibiotics, but which ones? I've been researching quail diseases and treatments, but I'd love to know what people with experience think.

Also: we've named him Dan. I know, I know, not the most creative
But especially now that we've named him, I don't want Dan to die!
Before I even saw this reply I was about to say he looks awful in those first two pics. When fowl do that it is either because their cold or sick, obviously hes sick. There are many different respiratory issues that can arise and without a vet diagnosis it would be quite hard to tell what is affecting him in time to save him. People would probably consider me quite callous, but if he doesn't get better soon I'd euthanize him to save him the suffering, since I don't personally see spending $50-250 on vet care for a $2 bird (i understand not every one shares this view and i know how it is when you get attached).

If you're set on keeping him for a pet you should try to take him to a vet before you lose him, a county livestock vet will probably be cheapest but call around. I'm guessing by now he's lost quite a bit of weight since he's been sick for who knows how long, time is of the essence. It could be anything from worms to disease or he may even be elderly, he could have banged his head somewhere a long the way or just have a cold, there are just too many things it could be to say, try this or try that on a bird who I can tell by the pictures is already in rough shape and thats been 3 days.
One quick easy thing you can do is swab the back of his throat with a q-tip. Reach as far as you can without gagging/killing him and swab around. If he has worms they will usually come out on the swab. If it is worms find a product called Wazine and dose per instructions. Can usually be found at feed stores. Be careful doing this as he is most likely very weak right now.
awww What a cutie. I have a rescued coturnix quail too. He's just a pet for me as well. His name is Casper. I'm new to keeping quail, so I would say go with dc3085's advice. Take him to a vet if you can. Sorry I can't be of more help, but good luck. Also, if you can get a rabbit/guinea pig cage for him that is the set up I have going on and it is working good for me. I was using newspaper, but that got messy so now I am using aspen shavings. I hope he he makes it! :)

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