Respiratory Infection - let's play the antibiotics game!

Help please!! One of my hens is sick, I noticed her away from the rest of the flock this morning and as I let the rest of flock out and took her out of the coop in hopes none of the others get sick as well as to treat her. She is breathing with her mouth open, gurgling and sneezing. At the feed store we were told to get tetroxy hca-280 soluble powder. She isn't eating or drinking but I can use a dropper just need to know how much of this to mix with water.
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This package weighs 280 grams
Package contains 102.4 grams oxytetracycline

102.4 / 280 = 0.37 , which means that it's 37% oxytetracycline and 63% filler
370 mg per gram
One teaspoon probably weighs 3 grams, so it's 3 x 370mg = 1110 mg per teaspoon
The 800 mg dose for one gallon = ~3/4 teaspoons

Thanks for your reply aa well MinnesotaNice. I ended up calling the feed store that afternoon about how much etc. Thank God I read the links about giving meds orally!!! She seems to be doing better today. She still sounds raspy but she has ate some, and she has drank some of her water
I am now thinking after reading alllll I have read that this may have stemmed from fowl pox.

Get some vitamins and electrolytes in her water. That'll help give her a boost. All of my chickens have vitamins/electrolytes and ACV in their water right now. There's also this stuff called VetRx, which is basically chicken Vicks. That helped clear up any rales or other respiratory issues I could hear. I just rubbed it on their nostrils, head, and under their wings (most chickens tuck their heads under their wings when sleeping). I found all of this stuff on Amazon. Good luck!
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Thanks again, and sorry about not replying sooner to you Kathy, or to you MinnesotaNice. I very much appreciate all your input. I was told 1 tablespoo. Per gallon and saw your post Kathy, I kind of freaked and was scared to give her anymore for a couple days because I didn't want to overdose her. Plus we have helped watch our sick grandkids and yesterday my fiance had the trial spinal cord stimulator for his back put in just to name a coue thungs going on, so it has been a crazy week. I did buy the vitamins and electrolytes and mixing that & acv in water. Using the vetrx as you said as well. We still have our sick hen in the house because she has the rattle back as of yesterday, I just got the vetrx,etc. though and started last night. I am thinking I need to on the antibiotics for now, ynless i see her go downhill again. At least she is not gasping for air like she was.
Thanks again, and sorry about not replying sooner to you Kathy, or to you MinnesotaNice. I very much appreciate all your input. I was told 1 tablespoo. Per gallon and saw your post Kathy, I kind of freaked and was scared to give her anymore for a couple days because I didn't want to overdose her. Plus we have helped watch our sick grandkids and yesterday my fiance had the trial spinal cord stimulator for his back put in just to name a coue thungs going on, so it has been a crazy week. I did buy the vitamins and electrolytes and mixing that & acv in water. Using the vetrx as you said as well. We still have our sick hen in the house because she has the rattle back as of yesterday, I just got the vetrx,etc. though and started last night. I am thinking I need to on the antibiotics for now, ynless i see her go downhill again. At least she is not gasping for air like she was.

How many days did she get the medicated water? I'd probably keep her on it for as long as the package recommends.

At first she wasn't eating or drinking so I gave it to her in a dropper. About 15/20 ml twice the first day. The next day she was doing better and drinking/eating so that is when I mixed it in the water, but also why I was scared to give her anymore once I read your post. I didn't mix a whole gallon but broke down the amount from 1 tablespoon per as I was told from where I bought the meds. I was told and read 3 days and withdraw from eggs for 10 days.
At first she wasn't eating or drinking so I gave it to her in a dropper. About 15/20 ml twice the first day. The next day she was doing better and drinking/eating so that is when I mixed it in the water, but also why I was scared to give her anymore once I read your post. I didn't mix a whole gallon but broke down the amount from 1 tablespoon per as I was told from where I bought the meds. I was told and read 3 days and withdraw from eggs for 10 days.

One of my vets said that it's best to give antibiotics two days past cessation of symptoms.

Sadly many people don't understand that not all oxytetracyline and tetracyline powders are the same. Maybe the person that told you to use one tablespoon is used to using terra vet 10 or Duramycin 10?

Not sure, I just want her better. If it takes longer that's ok. So I will remix at 3/4 tsp per gallon as you said, and give it to her for 5 days. Thanks again :)

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