Results from First Year with Deep Litter Method

DL fan here getting ready to clean mine out for the first time...When you use DL in the garden or plants, do you work it directly into the soil like you would compost? Do you use it as a side dressing? Or do you compost it further?
I use mine to add organic matter to an area that's mostly clay, right in front of the donkey's stall the water ponds, the sound the donkey makes walking through there is too funny and he has to yank his hooves out!. it's better for the 2 years we have added pine and wheat straw. This clean out we going to try the loads of composted DL to see how that does. Unlike a garden the donkey will work it in for us.
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Ok this I my first time owning chickens and I am interested in the deep litter method. My question is can it be done if your coop has a wood floor raised off the ground? The floor is made out of an old deck. If I can do it how should I get it ready. Thanks
I can't help you with the wood floor, but I do deep litter with nest boxes on the floor. My boxes are milk crates and rubbermaid tubs (so easy to hose out if an egg breaks!) and they just set on the floor of the coop. I use the deep litter as the bedding in the boxes with no problems. Makes it easy to keep lots of bedding in the boxes to cushion the eggs, just scoop some up and put it in the box!
I have wooden floor and the litter is dry. No moisture - no rot. I did buy rot ristant wood but as long as I keep it dry, I don't worry about rot. I worry more about the leaks from the waters than I do the litter.

I am trying to do the DLM, I have a dirt floor and I use leaves we bagged and saved from the fall and winter clean up. I don't have any compost to add to it, I just add the leaves when ever I think I start to smell the poo. I give them the scraps and I go in about once a week and make sure it is all getting turned over good but right now its just really good.... well leave mulch. Like I said I don't have any compost but I can add grass clippings the next time we mow. Is there something else I need to add? I do have a burn pile that I am going to get the ash from and add in the coop. I add it to their dirt bath area but not their coop thus far.

Any advice on anything different I need to do?
I don't think I'd ad ashes from a trash burn nor from wood that has had lighter fluid or gasoline, etc. added to it. 'Ive read that chickens can eat some of the unburned yet chared bits (it's healthy to absorb toxins) and you don't want them to eat everything else that was in the fire. Plus, didn't someone say something about ash and water (and probably something else) makes lye (think granny's homemade soap) and lye is caustic.

I've wanted to add to the dust baths ashes from fallen trees/stumps but we always seem to put some kind of accellerant on it and then I can't use it

I don't think I'd ad ashes from a trash burn nor from wood that has had lighter fluid or gasoline, etc. added to it.  'Ive read that chickens can eat some of the unburned yet chared bits (it's healthy to absorb toxins) and you don't want them to eat everything else that was in the fire.  Plus, didn't someone say something about ash and water (and probably something else) makes lye (think granny's homemade soap) and lye is caustic.

I've wanted to add to the dust baths ashes from fallen trees/stumps but we always seem to put some kind of accellerant on it and then I can't use it


Good point. All that's burned there is wood and brush no trash and it's a Hugh burn pile .... I mean bond fire big when we burn it lol BUT he does add something to part of it to get it going. I didn't think about that. Poo!

Ok so X that idea.
So what else should I do different if anything?
I am trying to do the DLM, I have a dirt floor and I use leaves we bagged and saved from the fall and winter clean up. I don't have any compost to add to it, I just add the leaves when ever I think I start to smell the poo. I give them the scraps and I go in about once a week and make sure it is all getting turned over good but right now its just really good.... well leave mulch. Like I said I don't have any compost but I can add grass clippings the next time we mow. Is there something else I need to add? I do have a burn pile that I am going to get the ash from and add in the coop. I add it to their dirt bath area but not their coop thus far.

Any advice on anything different I need to do?

Yes, buy pine shavings (not cedar) and alternate a couple of inches at a time with the leaves and grass. It's cheap and easy to obtain at a feed store.

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