Rhode Island Red hen attacked by neighbors dog

My girls have also been attacked in the past, although not as bad as your hen.
I was certain I'd do something wrong, because she just smelled horribly. However, following the advice posted here helped a lot, not only with advice, but with support. My girl pulled through just great, after four weeks, she had started growing feathers back & was sent out with everybody else. Like your girl, she was very sedate about me working with her. Try to keep her calm, and yourself calm.
She'll tell you when she feels better. Mine kept pacing & talking to me once she started to heal. I'd also suggest putting a towel in the carrier with her so she's got something to sleep on that's a bit soft. I also drapped a towel over the top, but moved it back during the day when she was home alone so she'd get some sunlight & fresh air. I fed mine yogurt, about 1/2 cup each morning. I also gave her some canned dog food mixed with drained, canned corn to give her protein. I kept up her supply of crumbles, and actually bought some medicated chick starter to mix in. Don't know if that was necessary, but it didn't hurt her any. I'd use the neosporin (without any pain killers -caines) rather than the blukote at this point. I bought the generic stuff that was only antisceptic & white petrolium - the less stuff, the better, if you ask me. Also, I was told to not wrap the wound because sores need air to heal, and the wrappings could concentrate moisture & encourage infection. Although if you're changing the wrap on a daily basis, I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure your little girl will pull through, chickens are way stronger than I thought they were before I joined this forum! If she stops eating & drinking, it means she's given up. That's the only time I'd ever think of "helping over the rainbow." Good luck with her! Keep us updated.

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