Rhode Island Red rooster questions

A little addition/update from the past few days.

Since my RIR roo thinks he should be jumping every hen that moves, I decided to put him in "time-out" during the day. While the hens stay in the run/coop all day, I put him out in the yard. This is day 3 of that little maneuver. Roo doesn't like being separated from the girls. He walks around the coop/pen looking lost then he stands in the middle of the yard looking even more lost. He and the dog are the only 2 in the yard and they don't play together.

Since I've done this, the eggs are not getting eaten any more (was pretty sure it was him). The hens are calmer. The 9 week old babies are now becoming more integrated with the 19 weekers. The attacking has stopped but of course there's a little correction/pecking order stuff going on but they're all living together now without major problems. The babies now use both feeders. The older ones still only use the hanging feeder; haven't figured out how to use the bucket w/ PVC elbow feeder yet. No more fights over water either.

I let all of them out about 1-2 hours before dark to mingle. Last night roo was alot calmer, didn't show off to my wife and left the babies alone. Yes, he still mounted the older hens but there was no more running and launching himself on them. I'm planning on continuing to make him be alone/separated all day and see if that doesn't calm him down a bit. Now that the babies and older hens are tolerating each other, I may put him in the cage/jail all day but separation seems to be working.
Well that's very good! Especially considering that you 9 week olds in with the more mature hens. I've never heard of a rooster eating eggs before. I guess it's a good thing the hens never caught onto it.
It could.I gad two roosters grow up together and my liwest roo grew up and faught his brother.Probably becuase he realized size difference abd was sick if being bullued.Anything can happen.

Well hopefully my little Silkie Roos are smarter then that although just today my larger Silkie roo was mock charging everyone including my rir roo. I was shocked when my rir roo didn't even retaliate. He just flared his hackles. But then a hen walks behind him and I guess she scared him and he pecked her o her neck. I kinda want him to put my Silkie roo in his place because I can already tell my my Silkie roo has an attitude.
It's not that their dumb,their boys.Male ducks,male turkeys all will fight for their place,or for their territory and girls.Ducks and chickens will even fight for who will lead the whole entire bundle,turkeys and chickens will fight too.
Well hopefully mine don't fight to bad because I don't see my silkies coming out on top in a fight between my rir. Plus silkies being silkies they can't see that well and I need a good flock leader because predators are very present in my area.
They will stick together and i'll help.Some will tend to hens more then others,just because one is lower in the pecking order.You can always groom the silkies fur or whatever it has around it's eyes.

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