Rhode Island Red Thread!

Ok. Picked up 5 RIR pullets at the local farm store a few weeks ago. Their feathers are coming in like crazy. They are looking more brown than red and they have tan bars on the ends of their feathers. Is this normal? Do the darker red feathers come in later? Or are they not RIR? Not worried if they aren't RIR as long as they lay eggs. I'll be switching to Buckeyes next year anyway now that I've found a place that doesn't want stupid prices for them.

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Ok. Picked up 5 RIR pullets at the local farm store a few weeks ago. Their feathers are coming in like crazy. They are looking more brown than red and they have tan bars on the ends of their feathers. Is this normal? Do the darker red feathers come in later? Or are they not RIR? Not worried if they aren't RIR as long as they lay eggs. I'll be switching to Buckeyes next year anyway now that I've found a place that doesn't want stupid prices for them.
They are more than likely a hatchery red sex link.
We got six RIRs on Saturday from TSC! So far their names are Marlee, Sammie, Bunny, Honey, and Blaze. We haven't named the last one yet, so we are just calling it NoName. Today I gave them crickets, and it was the happiest day of their little lives! I didn't think they would figure out what to do with them, but 30 crickets were gone in less than 5 minutes. They chased each other around for a little bit and are now napping again. They each have their own little personalities and are already warming up to me and my mom! When we come to their bin they all will run up and when we lay our hand down they hop right in. Can't wait to see them grow some more...
 Rhode Island. Do you have a better pic of that roo in the background?

Yep. She is a Black Australorp. Her name is Gem
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