Rhode Island Red Thread!

i have 6 chicken and one might be a RIR but i'm not sure because she has a white tip of her tail.
My red, Phillie, is worrying me. She hasn't grown or changed much over the last month where my other 3 birds of other breeds are getting that grown up chicken look and their combs are getting bigger and more red. I'm afraid she's stunted. Her tail feathers are also very wonky. I'm getting more scared that she's a boy. Here's a few new pics from today. I think the girls were around a week old when we got them as their wings were decently feathered so I'm going to say shes just under 3 months now. This is my first batch of chickens so I'm extra paranoid about everything.

Phillie poking up behing the bigger girls, you can see she's much smaller than the others.

I have a RIR also and she seems less mature than the other girls I have that are the same age. Wonder if they mature more slowly?
Your Philly chick looks like my RIR females. I read that RIR grow slower than other breeds. She looks normal to me. Sometimes they'll have a crooked feather or two. Usually the rooster in RIR starts to get a larger and redder comb and wattle by week 10 than the females. My females still don't have much comb and no wattles and they are 17 weeks old now. It is still possible Philly is a HE but to me I think it is a girl because my rooster never got weird tail feathers like this either. I could tell by wattle and comb only that he was a he.

Thanks. At about 14 weeks now she still doesn't have much of a comb and wattles. Her feathers look like they're starting to lay a bit nicer now, though all 4 of my girls are molting right now so they all look a bit disheveled. But I'm pretty confident Phillie is a she. Still going to keep my fingers crossed just in case.

My two red hens, the one at the top got jealous that I was giving attention to the one at the bottom so she jumped up to get my attention

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