Rhode Island Red Thread!

So I'm guessing she is just a production red? I love her either way, I don't care about breeds.
It is difficult to tell you which it is. People are touchy on the subject. Not that she isn't a lovely chicken, but I would say she is a poor example of the breed (not being bred to the sop very well)
It is difficult to tell you which it is. People are touchy on the subject. Not that she isn't a lovely chicken, but I would say she is a poor example of the breed (not being bred to the sop very well)
Ah, thanks. I dont care what breed she is, its not like I'm showing any of them in any fancy chicken shows! I do like knowing their breed so when someone asks me I can tell them. Thanks!
If you ever want some Standard LF Rhode Island Reds let me know. Where in Maine are you anyway?
Thanks! I'm in Central Maine. I have to see first if we are moving away or not. If we are staying, we have to build a coop for the girls first, so I will let you know what happens.
Yours is so dark.... Looks like a HRIR. Very pretty and shiny.

The term "heritage" is ok, but it's mostly a marketing term. The bird shown is simply a true, standard bred, Rhode Island Red, not a production red from a hatchery. It is also more than color that makes a Red a Red. There are other breed specific characteristics that must be present.
I have a question... I hatched 2 RIR eggs (had 10 but only 2 made it) One hatched the red color, the other hatched solid white. I know it can't be a mixed breed because all I have in the coop are RIRs. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.

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