Rhode Island Red Thread!

I'm about 10 minutes old for this website. So if this isn't the right spot to post what Im about to post please forgive me!
I have 6 RIR hens that were given to us about a year ago. They are all at least 1-1.5 yrs old.
This morning we found one of our girls looking like she was dead. I brought her out. And she just limply lay in my arm. I began giving her water from a water bottle and she drank it up like she hadn't had water in a long while.(they are watered morning n night). Within 5 minutes she began perking up and took bits of bread from my fingers. She began gaining strength but was acting very unsteady, like she was dizzy. Her right foot didn't seen to work quite as well as her left. She doesn't have any visible wounds. She does have runny, yellowish, creamy colored poop. She is drinking, eating, and moving around now and seems to be improving. Resting periodically.
They need access to water all during the day (not at night when they are sleeping), especially if it is hot, they need to always have water out.

Hummm...I am not sure about the other symptoms. However, if she didn't have access to water all day long, maybe all of the symptoms are due to overheating/being dehydrated.

Not sure what else to guess. :confused:
They need access to water all during the day (not at night when they are sleeping), especially if it is hot, they need to always have water out.

Hummm...I am not sure about the other symptoms. However, if she didn't have access to water all day long, maybe all of the symptoms are due to overheating/being dehydrated.

Not sure what else to guess. :confused:

What I mean is I freshen their water morning and early evening. They have water access 24/7 She has perked up quite a bit but still doesn't act feisty like the others. My free range RIR just came home and attacked the ill one.:( When the sick one falls over its like she just gives up and lays there. I have to come along and pick her up and nudge her to get her moving again. I'm baffled. Her comb is a little flopped over and her red skin under her beak is a bit pale. Idk.
I'm just gonna watch her and keep her safe n see what happens.
So odd. Sorry you are going trough that! :hugs

But yep on the other ones attacking her. You will have to keep her safe until she gets perky again. A dog kennel can work well.
Oh... One thought.

The little bit of paleness could just be because she is feeling poorly. However, it could also be due to a high worm load. Some vets will let you bring in a fecal sample that they will test and then tell you what kind of worms they have if any. If you just bring in the sample, not the chicken, then it is usually pretty inexpensive. Make sure you gather the sample the way they want, etc.

Anyway, that is the only other thing I could think of. Good luck!
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Oh... One thought.

The little bit of paleness could just be because she is feeling poorly. However, it could also be due to a high worm load. Some vets will let you bring in a fecal sample that they will test and then tell you what kind of worms they have if any. If you just bring in the sample, not the chicken, then it is usually pretty inexpensive. Make sure you gather the sample the way they want, etc.

Anyway, that is the only other thing I could think of. Good luck!

Thank you! Yes. The friend who gave them to us also gave us a hutch and a coop. The coop is too small though for all the hens so My goal is to fence my side and back yard in and then use the coop to put nesting boxes in. Financial resources are delaying that project, but it will come. I'm keeping her I. The hutch. I let her out this morning and she is much more steady on her feet today. She's staying very close to my front door where she knows I am.:))
Quick update on the RIR I've dubbed Mablelean. She seems much better. Poop is looking better. She still a little unsteady on her feet but is much improved!
Mablelean seems to be 100% better. She hasn't fallen over in three days now! ;))
Thanks Alaskan for your support. I appreciate it. I appreciate the entire website as I was able to get very valuable and helpful information to help.

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