Rhode Island Red Thread!


My 2 month old Rhode Island Reds
.I have a total of 6 hens and 1 rooster.
can't wait for mine to grow up , pretty sure I have a couple of roos but will have to either get more hens or re-home one of them.
Could one of you nice RIR enthusiasts give me some tips on separating pullets from cockerels in a bunch of 3-4 week old chicks?

The local feed store has a pen of straight run chicks that are mostly feathered out. I need hens to pad out our flock as possibly 3 chicks from our current flock of 9+wk old Buff Os and Wellies have turned out to be roos instead of pullets.

They are only asking 2.97 for these well started birds and I wouldn't mind picking up a few as long as I thought I had a fighting chance of getting hens.

Thanks in advance!


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