Rhode Island Reds


Nov 18, 2015
Pella Iowa
We have 16 RIR's they were hatched on May 4th so they are six months old we are getting about 5 eggs a day right now and they have all been brown now all of a sudden we are getting some white eggs is this normal or should I been concerned ???
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I'm afraid I've not kept RIR before so can't be of help to you but eggs changing to white does sound a bit funny. Could another breed have got in there somewhere? Do all your birds look the same? You could pop by the egg laying section ~https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/18/chicken-behaviors-and-egglaying
Also typing RIR threads in the search box above should bring up some threads on them that you could ask on.

Good luck with your flock in the future. Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow

I've had a couple RIR's in my mixed flock and while the color of their eggs changes very slightly from time to time, I've never had any go from brown to white. Has their diet changed? Have you wormed them lately? Take a look at this article on egg quality problems and see if #7 (Lack of pigment or uneven pigmentation) may give you some thoughts as to why your eggs have turned white:

Hope that helps. Thanks for joining us!
Hello! I am new here! Just wanted to stop in and say hello! I've had chickens since April and love them!! I've been coming to this site for months for help and guidance and decided it was time to join!!!
How many of your RIR's are pullets? sounds like there are a lot of slackers if you are only getting an average of 5 eggs a day.

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