Ring Teal Ducklings feeding and survival


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2017
I am fairly new to having exotic ducks, one pair of ring tea, one pair of Mandarins and wood ducks.

They are in a 12 by 14 foot aviary that is eight feet tall, part of it is covered and six foot is wired for sun light and plants.

All of the ducks are last year hatched. The Mandarins did not hatch, maybe to young and the wood ducks are second year breeders. The Ring teal nest in one of the boxes, I have six so their is choice and various areas and heights. I was surprised to find the ducklings with the parents and they were protective. They were in a shallow pond and got in and out. I used duckling starter for food and three days later all were dead in the afternoon. They were find in the AM. Timing was wrong for moving them to a self made areas and raise them with lights and etc. Does anyone have any ideas. I had many type of ducks growing up and raised them without issue. The chickens are in their own area and cannot get into the coop. It has double wire, three feet of wire around it with spikes and blocks to keep the many predators away. I think it was the food but does anyone have any ideas. The problem I never knew the ducks were sitting as only missed the female one time and then both were out in the aviary when I checked in the AM and took care of them in the afternoon. The literature say they are easy to raise and let them take care of their own if one does not want a lot of them unsold. They are a calm duck and has helped the nervous other two chill out some. They were not wet and not together when I found them. Thanks for any guidance. Jim

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