Ring Teal

Apr 9, 2023
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everyone! I needed your input on something. I currently have a pair of ring teal that I took out of my aviary because they were being picked on by my other ducks. I only have a 5x10x6 enclosure on hand currently. I believe 50 square feet. Inside I have a perch for them, a 40 gallon tank to swim in and a lot of cover. I don’t want to get rid of these ducks as quite honestly they are my favorite and most tame duck. So far it’s been 2 weeks and they seem happier than they ever were in the aviary, they come up and feed out of my hand, they look better than they ever have as well. Anyways my question is do you all think they could live in there for another 3-4 months as I’m currently working on expanding that enclosure? I figure since their quite small they would do fine, but I wanted a second opinion. Thanks.

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