RIR with sore/tumor on eye

For the time being leave her. It could be a mild case of Avian dry pox,fits the description and area found on chickens. Starts off as a small pimple then progresses to inflamed lesions,eventually scab forms then falls off. Can last anywhere from 2-8 weeks. As long as she is eating/drinking,leave her and see if it does in fact fall off. If no improvement after the 8 week mark,then i would consider lancing to see what is inside.

Will antibiotic ointment help?
Ok here is this morning's update. There has definitely been some change in the past 24 hours. I looked last night and it looked like the scab/tumor/bump was starting to recede from the eyelid/eye, like it was beginning to lift off like scabs do when they are done healing. So I looked this morning and it has definitely moved, however I can no longer see the eye, so it is either gone or just covered in fluid. As I mentioned before, Bean's crop seems really far off to one side (the same side where he had a ruptured air sac earlier on). I noticed he had a small scab in the area where his crop is, so now I am thinking pox?... this little guy really has my head spinning. And on the topic of the crop, is it normal for it to be so far off to one side? I will post pictures of the eye and scab, please tell me what you guys think.

Here is the eye.

Here is the scab on his strangely placed crop.

And a close up.
The crop is located to the right. Chickens have three eyelids,upper,lower and a nictitating membrane,this is transparent so they can see through it,the purpose is to protect and keep eye moist. You may be seeing this membrane covering eye. Small mark,looks like a blood blister,did you puncture ruptured air sac to let air escape? If not,just keep an eye on it.
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No we did not puncture the air sac. I'll keep an eye on him, does it look like things are improving or getting worse at this point?

Looks a little better than previous photos,is he eating/drinking,if so then just do what you are doing. How does his poop look?
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Here is my chick that had a similar wart/scab:

Wow that looks like the same thing Kathy! What happened with the chick?
Looks a little better than previous photos,is he eating/drinking,if so then just do what you are doing. How does his poop look?
He is eating and drinking just fine. His poop has been a very potent brown diarrhea recently though.

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