road trip with my chickens

Are you going to use a cage to contain them?
I've made a few trips with birds in the past and found its best to travel with them at night to cause less stress or worry about water being tipped over.
But if that's not doable I always lined the bottom of my cage with a row of 4" of card board on the sides (ziptied) and add bedding... if they need to lay they will. Or a 12" cardboard box will work in a jiffy as a nest box.
I cover their cage also with a bedsheet to diffuse the interior lights/headlights/street lights trying to leave some parts open for ventilation but also think about windows/doors being opened and wind entering towards your birds.
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Whenever I travel with birds they go in the carriers with some bedding. No food or water but if it's a long drive I will stop once or twice so they can drink.
Ive never traveled with my adult chickens (I do travel with incubator chicks if needed, my house quail, budgies, or any bird I need to treat for injury, etc). You’re getting good advice already. I use pet carriers or simple cardboard boxes covered with a bedsheet and lined with piddle pads. We travel 2 hours frequently to our other house, so I even have accommodations set up for them there. 😊 Your girls will do fine on the ride. I suggest taking them on some short trips beforehand to see how they do. Be prepared to stop and change out stinky bedding on the way. 😂
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Maybe a cat/dog carrier if you have one. Then put some straw in it and make a nest. They should be fine to lay their eggs in there. Safe travels!!!
I made several 6/7 hour trips ( we were moving and didn't have a secure run for them yet, and we would stay for at least two weeks at he old place) with 2 chickens in a wooden box with bedding and ventilation. The first trip that we made during the day they started to cry and we stopped, then while we were standing still they layed their egg. The second trip they layed while driving. We to stopped several times during the trip to see if they needed to drink and I got them some grass and one time even worms. Before we got on the road I gave them a cooked egg. I had one time where one of the chickens was so stressed that she didn't lay for a day and then 2 in a row the next day, she was 't feeling well because of it, fortunately she was still young.But I 'm very happy that I don't have to do that anymore. But sometimes there's no other option.
I brought four chickens on a sixteen hour trip (one way) for Christmas last year. I put two chickens each in a large wire dog crate with a roost and straw/pine shavings on the floor. A couple hens laid eggs during the trip, we just put them in a cupholder and kept on driving :). You’ll be fine, have a great trip! :frow
what did u use for the roost and now did u put in the dog crate ?!

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