Rob & cherylcohen on NBC's TODAY show... Possibly Monday 4/11

<------------ same here, but mine crow throughout the whole day. They join the EggSong Chorus, too.

I am so glad I have a great set of neighbors, who refuse to take eggs free. (I wanted to use them as a bribe...) The back fence folks buy two dozen eggs every week. I make sure each carton is very colorful for them. The lady of the house is excited at new chicks, and asks what I've named this or that chicken.

I, too, thought the sniggering about chicken diapers was a bit low class. And, dang, to not list BYC - what an oversight!
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Good job Rob and Cheryl! I heard the leader this morning on NBC, and ran in from the kitchen, and saw the clip. Being a chicken lover, I wished they had spent more time on it, but you know how non-chicken folk are
Can't remember the name of the "celebrity" with the Silkie she was holding, and really don't care. Wish they had told the name of the chicken, that I would've remembered!
Cheryl, lovely set up you have there, great job!!
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Loved the show! You all did such a great job.
I can't believe your nieghbors are such haters they are probably just mad because they didn't get any attention so they have to make a stink!!
The name of the Silkie that Tori Spelling was holding is "Coco."

Cheryl's chicken-torium looks like a peaceful retreat!
I am so glad I wasn't the only one that was a bit disenchanted with the piece. I felt that over all it came across as "silly" or for "strange" people. Chicken diapers are certainly not what most chicken keepers use or strive to have. I thought it was more of a "look at the odd craze that is catching on" and not in a pleasant way. I thought you guys were GREAT but the production was awful. I personally plan on writing and complaining about the negative light I felt it painted chicken-keeping in. It might be just me I guess. Maybe I take things too personally but, yeah, the "chicken dance" didn't help AT ALL

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