rocking,peeping, and pipping.


10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
stumptown CA
okay its day 19 or 20 my calenders confusing.when should i see rocking and hear peeping.i know thant once i hear peeping the hatching process has begun but its so close and im worried theyre dead.please help. when am i going to see any sign of life?!?
It seems like I never see any action and then suddenly I have pips and zips. Some have said they see rocking early on but I never have myself. If I am really unsure about the dates and all I open the bator (gasp!) grab and egg and flashlight and run for the dark bathroom and candle it. Then I run back, open the bator (egads!) and put the egg back. If it's obviously bad or not formed I toss it and try and another, but if there is life I just get happy and more impatient.
We saw movement on day 20 on both batches we've hatched but that number WILL vary and in no way can be expected...

It's all about patience and controlling the excitement, I know this because I have no patience or ability to control myself...We may have actually panicked on our last one and pipped the shell for her, ended up having to complete peel shell off of her and nurse her for 3 days 24hrs a day until she was able to feed herself...




The angel "Mamala"("Mamalaroo is she's a he):

And here she is at a month:

We still don't know if she's alive because of us or in spite of us, the former helps me sleep, the latter makes me cry...

Just talk to them and let them know there's a world of love waiting for them and good luck with the patience thing, I've googled it and checked Ebay, you can't buy it! LOL
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With the hatch that I have going on now, we heard peeping the night before last for the 1st time (day 19). We noticed that 2 eggs had pipped before work yesterday and came home to one hatched chick (day 20). The other that had pipped hatched yesterday evening and a 3rd one hatched this morning (day 20 for that one because they were staggered by 1 day). I don't know if it's always within the same time range, but maybe that will give you some idea. Sometimes I don't hear a single peep out of them until they hatch, though, so don't give up. Today is day 21 for the ones we have left and they are very quiet so far, but I still think some will hatch.
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