Rocky, my rooster, torn up by huge dog!

Check your local laws carefully. Here you can shoot the dog with a shotgun or handgun but it must be with lethal intent. The use of pellets, BB, and probably paintball guns are considered animal cruelty.
Yes we have great laws here that allow us to protect our livestock. The animal control officer said to call him if there were any more problems. He even returned later in the day to fill me in on what happened with the dogs owner and to see how Rocky was doing. I asked him what rights I had. I asked him what would happen to me if I shot this dog in the act of attacking my chickens. He said yes, I can shoot it, but if I do...shoot to kill. He said then to call him and he would call the owners and tell them to come and pick up there dead dog! He did explain that they could sue me in civil court, but with all the pictures we have of the attack and all the proof we would have, no judge would hear it. It would be thrown out.

I don't even have a gun but I would have used it that day if I did! I have a BB/pellet gun that I am getting amo for tomorrow from the co-op. It may not even phase him though he is a huskey mix and his fur is VERY thick!

We have to go to their housetmorrow to collect what they owe far it is only $32 but that would bring theirtotalincluding fines to $110.

I did get the pen. today and the needles. I hate to give him a shot. I have only had him a couple of months and he trusts me and follows me around the yard but now he know every time I come near him is stressfull. My daughter said it has to be done though. The guy at TSC suggested giving him 3 ml. Does anyone know if this is correct?
Check your local laws carefully. Here you can shoot the dog with a shotgun or handgun but it must be with lethal intent. The use of pellets, BB, and probably paintball guns are considered animal cruelty.

That makes sense. I don't think the BB gun would do any good anyway.
Ok...I need a little laugh. If I shot him with a paint gun, at least his owners would know he had been shot when he went back home! And maybe they would think it may not be by a paint ball gun next time!

Update so far...
We gave him his first shot of pen. I hated to do it. I didn't get it all in but did manage to get 2 and a half ml. I'm so afraid he will be mad at me. He is such a sweet heart. So gentle and would never try to peck or scratch me with his spurs. The main thing concerning me now is that his comb has blue/purple spotting on it. My daughter even noticed it when we gave him the shot. I hadn't even mentioned it to her. I read on here that it could be caused by stress. He has had his fair share of that since Thursday. The greenish tint to part of the wound is not as green now but looks more yellowish. Not sure if that is good or bad. I'm hoping the anti biotic ointment helped. He had some fresh strawberries and cucumbers out of the garden ealier so his app is still good.
Update!!! I think Rocky is going to be ok!

His skin even seems to be growing back. He is crowing all day and seems to be back to his old self. He even came into the house just now! We leave our back door open and I'm sitting here on the computer and he just comes walking around the corner1:idunno The kids were cracking up.

I am still going to be dilligent in making sure we keep his wound clean and keep giving him his antibiotics.
Thank you so much to everyone on here who gave me great advice. I'm sure the great peeps of BYC helped save him. I appreciate everyone.
Fast forward to a couple of months later...Rocky is almost 100% back to normal! The only thing he is still missing his long tail feathers but I think those are even growing back. On Friday, the same exact dog was back in our yard! Fortunately, my oldest daughter was home and saw it before it got to our chickens. She came running in the house screaming...the huskie's back!!! I dropped a canning jar in my hand and went running out of the house. Also my husband wasn't in the bathroom this time and he went running out too. We got hold of the dog before he could do any damage.

Once again, we are on the phone with AC. The officer that was so helpful last time was off so they sent someone else. He was ok, but he wasn't as great as the other officer. My question many times can this happen? Do dog owners get unlimited offences or what? Do they have to pay more each time they have to go pick up their animal? I can't count how many times this dog has been in our yard, but it has been twice since we have had chickens. I am so ready to be done with these people!
Yes, I am all for SSS! We only have a BB/Pellet gun and this dog is huge with thick fur! I don't think it would phaze him. We have even considered getting a 22 just for this dog...and the coons too of course! My husband told the ACO to tell the owners that the only reason their dog isn't dead is because he didn't want to shoot it in front of our kids. This of course was a lie, but maybe if the people know we mean business and are tired of this, they may keep their dog at home. What makes me so mad is that when he gets out, they don't even bother to get out and look for him!

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