Rocky, my rooster, torn up by huge dog!

I'm so glad to hear that the the dog was taken away and I hope that he feels better!!! Try mixing in a little tylenol with his feed or water to give him relief and putting neosporin on his cuts. Best wishes and anxious to hear if he's doing well. glad to hear that he is crowing
take care Rocky!
I'm so glad to hear that your rooster is healing. What a horrible scene to witness! Last year a fox came into our yard and took one of my pullets. It was devastating! Now I pretty much stay outside when my flock roams. My husband said I need to relax, but I always see the neighbor's dog looking at them. There are no fences around here, and right now we cannot afford one. In the future, my hope is to get a fence so that I'm not so preoccupied with their safety. Again, glad he is OK. Do you think he remembers?
I hope not! I'm sure he does though because when he came in our yard the second time, he got away and was no where to be seen! I am with you on the fence! We don't have a huge yard but we probably have a couple of acres all together and my husband said it would cost about $5,000 to put up a good fence. He could even do the installation, that is just for the supplies! I even suggested doing a fence in stages. Do one side of the property one year and so on. It may take a few years to complete, but at least we would have a fence! If we had started 3 or 4 years ago, we would have one now!
Thank you. I actually had some prescription strength antibiotic ointment that was prescribed for my daughter. The Dr. said it was 100 times better than Neo. That is what I used and I think it did wonders. We put it on him using a q tip which took forever because the wound was huge! We also gave him a shot of pen. when it started looking green. He doesn't let me pick him up much any more. I guess I can't blame him.
I am so glad Rocky is doing better! Chickens are such amazing healers. I hope you can get a fence up soon, sounds like that husky will keep coming back! His owners need to keep him inside or chain him up, dog kennels are not the expensive either- they sound like very irresponsible owners. I have a pit bull and he is the sweetest thing, I would never let him roam around and harass and injure other animals.
Do you have any pictures of Rocky? he sounds like one great rooster!
Please do not try to take down something that large with a rimfire round, which is more appropriately suited for dispatching small animals. Granted, you can kill larger animals, but you realistically face the prospect of multiple shots and/or close range shots or work with a sharp/blunt object to finish the job - a gory and inhumane death. Most likely, a shot with a .22 would lead to the dog leaving your property, wounded (opening you up to personal liability, I would bet, despite your documentation of earlier trespasses by the animal) and would probably not sit well with your family's conscience (nothing about your posts strike me as malicious). If you live in town, a real firearm may not even be a legal option - please keep your family safe by researching local laws regarding discharging firearms and what would be appropriate firepower for this problem.

The dog's owners are the real culprit here and unfortunately the dog is going to pay the price for that.

Edit: P.S. Glad Rocky is doing well!

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and my personal opinion is worth what it costs.
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Thats terrible! I suggest keeping him in a "safe house" away from the other chickens if you have more, until he is recovered. Try antibiotics.

Hope rocky gets better!

This has happened to me before, when my hen was taking care of 12 chicks. Luckily for me, she is suuuuuuuuuuuuper protective, but one got eaten anyway. It was my own dog, so i didnt shoot her or anything.
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