Rodents, lizards, and anything else small that moves stands no chance with my girls. I once cheered on a mouse thinking it was going to actually get away.
They chased that poor thing (a gaggle of 8-10 hens) about 1000 feet before they caught it.... then I felt sorry for it!
What the heck?! Are my birds just that lazy?! I would love to be able to test them eating mice better, without having to buy mice, or end up letting any loose, though at least we have the cats as backup... Maybe if I didn't feed them for a day, then released a mouse, lol.... 13 hungry birds... one defenseless mouse...
That's just a picture I found. Mine's actually an empty mayo jar on a wire coat hanger over 5-gallon bucket.
Well still a good idea! The soda can just looked so perfect for making the mouse drop... with our animals, one of the dogs (goat?!) would take the can and eat it!
Okay this is awesome. I am trying it tonight. I have three Chinese Golden Pheasants and their enclosure is attached to the outside of my horse barn. The rats have dug holes under the foundation to hide and I am very wary of putting traps in the coop (obviously). Right now I have been using a trash can with corn in the bottom and a ramp going up. I have caught two in there so far but your invention looks much more effective. I'll let you know how it works! I have seen at least 8 BIG rats and they are freaking me out. I know babies are on the way...
Outdoor cats do a great job with rodents.

Keeps our 4 quite busy...

Hard to believe this sweet face could kill but...he's our best...his name is TJ:

Outdoor cats do a great job with rodents.

Keeps our 4 quite busy...

Hard to believe this sweet face could kill but...he's our best...his name is TJ:

Hehe, I know, huh? You should see our 4. Our linebacker black cat, you can figure for a mouser, but the 3 tortie sisters... oh my, they are tiny, and fragile looking and oh so cute... and we are oh so smitten... but man can they hunt!
There are 2 stray cats that hang around the barn yard where the chickens are They seems to keep the mice down. It's funny to watch them during the day they will lurk around the outside of the corral but are scared of the chickens and turkeys. every time the cats get close the birds chase them away.
One day I picked up a feeder and a mouse ran out. Poor thing didn't have a chance. The hens chased it down, ripped it to shreads and had it ate in about 3 minutes. I have caught mice in traps in the garage and put them in the feed bucket to carry out to the hens. I usually forget it's in the bucket but when I set the bucket down one of them will snatch that mouse out of the bucket and the race is on! lol If I throw one across the run they all go after it and chase whoever gets it. One will snatch it away, then another then another until it is torn into so many pieces that they can get it down. Gross! lol

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