RodNTN's Animal Show!

Name: Molly
Age: 2 yrs.
Breed: Rhode Island Red
Username: DuckGirl77
Molly is one of my favorite chickens because she is the first one that hatched when I tried to hatch eggs. She always looks oblivious to her surroundings, so I'm not sure what category to put her in, but I'll go with beautiful.

Name: Lyndsey
Age: 3yrs
Breed: Parakeet
Username: AxolotlLove


Against my better judgement, Lyndsey lives with her BFF, in a huge cage. Today she was outside enjoying the nice weather. To bad she can't tan :p
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Name: Amiga
Age: ? Over two years
Breed: Parakeet; I'm not sure of the mutation, Sky Blue Dominant Pied, I think
Username: DuckGirl77
Amiga laid eggs awhile back and now has two baby budgies! I may enter them if I can ever get a good picture!


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