Rolling in the dirt?

I've had chickens since this past May, and I have never seen any of them do it until today! We moved them from one coop to a shed that has an 8 foot fenced pen around it (we've had a predator issue) The new area has some grass but it was mostly dirt. They went crazy in it! It was so funny :)
I just got my first two chickens a few days ago. They are four and a half months old and one of them was dustbathing for the first time today. I thought she was dying! I'm so relieved after reading all of your helpful posts! Thank you!
Thanks to this thread, I had an answer to my young hens bizarre behavior. LOL. Thank God someone knew what they were really doing. :)
I know what you guys mean. When you first see it you don't know whether they are having a heart attack or a seizure. :p
I love to watch them it.....must feel good cuz my girls do it for the longest time and it's amazing how clean they can get themselves with dirt! :p
God bless our amazing, quirky chickens. :)
When our chickens were about 3 months old I went out to check on them and there were about 6 of them sort of laying in a pile flopping and flapping around, I thought they were having a group seizure or something. I'd seen them dust bathing before, but never in a group. Then they all jumped up and shook off the dirt. funniest thing ever!
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yeah, the first time my dad saw out chickens dust bathing on our first chicken they were all in a line and laying down with one leg in the air and we thought they had died. hehe.

LOL! My husband was at the kitchen window and saw one of my girls in the run laying on her back with her wing up in the air. He thought a fox had gotten her and she was dead! So, he grabs the gun, runs out to nail the "fox", and finds the chicken having a wonderful time dustbathing!

LOL! My husband was at the kitchen window and saw one of my girls in the run laying on her back with her wing up in the air. He thought a fox had gotten her and she was dead! So, he grabs the gun, runs out to nail the "fox", and finds the chicken having a wonderful time dustbathing!


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