Roo mating??

Kickin' Chickin'

9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
Upstate New York
How old will a rooster be when he starts to mate? I have a 4 month old roo who doesn't crow or act very roo-ish and I have never seen him mate with the ladies but when I cracked some eggs for breakfast this morning they looked to be fertilized eggs.
They can start at 4 months, I think that is about average. I've had Araucanas begin at 2 months. . . However some start much later.

If the eggs truly look fertilized (big bullseye, not just a white dot) - Then he's a sneaky fella
I took him ,along with his siblings and moved them to the tractor yesterday but now not sure if I shouldn't just put him back.Could that be the reason for my girls increased egg production?Out of 4 BO's I got 20 eggs last week.
Kickin' Chickin' :

How old will a rooster be when he starts to mate? I have a 4 month old roo who doesn't crow or act very roo-ish and I have never seen him mate with the ladies but when I cracked some eggs for breakfast this morning they looked to be fertilized eggs.

Maybe he's a NIGHT STALKER.
Perhaps that's what you should name him. Or like an uncle I had, he only needed to look at my aunt. She had 8 kids, all under the age of 10. Shoot me now.

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Roosters have no impact on the amount of eggs a hen will lay.

Well, I guess an overly enthaustic roo can decrease production, but being mated by a roo won't increase production.
Thank you everyone for your input. They must just be happy girls!! Perhaps a little less happy due to a dog incident today but everyone is alive and pecking,lol. What a sneaky little roo I've got.

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