Roo or Hen? Black Orpington


In the Brooder
Jun 21, 2022
12 weeks old, supposed to be a hen but started crowing a few days ago (yes some girls crow) but highly suspicious of the tail feathers D35ADB4A-3022-4A6F-9298-7CB533720C58.jpeg BBEE8922-2A98-4BA1-B416-C7157E891B72.jpeg
He's a handsome cockerel. :love :love :love The comb is a big giveaway. ;)

On hens crowing, I see it most common for bantam hens to crow, and on any crowing hen, it's often when they're alone. Them crowing is often their best way to try to reconnect with their flock when they've been separated.

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