Roo or Pullet? Ameracauna or Easter Egger? Edward


7 Years
Jun 23, 2012
Crockett, VA

I am new to having chickens. I have four supposedly Ameracauna chickens. They are just over 11 weeks old. I am posting them individually so there is no question which bird is being discussed. They were bought from a feed store so I expect they are really Easter Eggers.

1) Do you think they are EE'ers?
2) Is this a roo or a pullet?

This one is Edward. He was named as a chick so we really did not know what sex he was. I expect Edward is a roo. He has pointy hackle feathers. He sometimes likes to pretend he is protecting the others and has tried to peck at me. He has never crowed though.


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