Roo or Pullets.... Picture heavy


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 26, 2014
Reno, NV
I have 12 babies I traded for. They are 4.5wks old. Im pretty sure of most their breeds now....I think lol....Feel free to correct the guesses as needed. The chicks came from a "surprise box" from

Chick 1... I am really hoping this is an EE hen lol most of the chicks have rubbed their neck/head feathers out on the wires (grr)

Chick 2 looks like chick 1

Chick 3 Barred Plymouth Rock

Chick 4 BO He/she wasnt cooperating

Chick 5 pretty sure it is a Red Leghorn

Chick 6 Another red leghorn

Chick 7 another red leghorn

3 more Rocks 1st one is darker than the rest (chick 8)

Chick 9

Chick 10

Chick 11 and 12 are identical Jersey Giant whites

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
at this age the ones with long tail and wing feathers are hens and the short tail and wing feathers are cockerel's.. jeff
at two to three weeks you can tell with long and short feathers...its not to early ...
In my browsing I can across pictures of someone's cuckoo maran youngsters, now I'm wondering if the darker chick in my bunch is not a barred rock.... how do you tell these two apart?
I don't think your first 2 chicks are EE, they look more like partridge Rocks, something like that.

The barred birds--yellow legs and straight comb=Rock. white/pink legs and straight comb=Marans yellow legs and rose comb=Dominique

The birds you're calling red leghorns--I'm not seeing that breed at Cackle? I'd also expect anything Leghorn to have more comb at this stage. They could be Welsummers, or pretty much anything partridge based, from what I can see.

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