Roost in brooder?


In the Brooder
May 1, 2018
Minneapolis, MN
At two weeks, our chicks are starting to jockey for position. When I hold out my hand and have one of them climb up on it, our Buff Orpington jumps on top to try to claim the high ground.

They all sleep nicely together on the pine shavings, but I am wondering if it makes sense to put a low roost in the brooder. Maybe a 2x2 about 2" off of the bottom. It might add interest to the brooder for them, but is it better for them to just smoosh together in the shavings for company and warmth?
I put a low roost in mine at around 2 weeks. I also put different heights of plastic red colored items at different levels. They loved playing king of the roost. I found most of their stuff at thrift stores. Once they reached around 5 weeks old I put in a second shelf at one end of the brooder around a foot and half off the floor and added a ladder with close fitting "steps". This introduced several things. Learning what a ladder is for for when they are in the coop. A higher roost and learning to jump down off of it. I put bird netting over the top and sides so they couldn't get out. This offered a boredom buster and made more room to the floor and I was able to place their feeders and waterer up on something under the shelf and higher to keep them clean. This also kept them from trying to sit on the feeder or waterer.
I put a branch from the yard in mine. It’s Y shaped. Worked out great, I moved it to their coop when they moved out so they had something familiar in their new home. They roost on it at night.

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