Roost with poop board over nesting boxes?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone,
I'm in the process of building a coop for my chicks. The coop will be about 4'x4' for 4 chickens. Originally I thought about having external nesting boxes but now I'm thinking of putting them inside the coop. I had an idea of putting 3 boxes about 12"x12"x14"h under a poop board and roost. I was thinking of extending the poop board 4 inches out over the front of the nesting boxes while the back side of the poop board would be flush with the back of the nesting boxes as I'd have them against the coop wall. A door from the outside would allow me to access the eggs and clean out the poop board. I realize I can probably get away with 2 nesting boxes but figure on three since i want a 3 foot long roost.

Has anyone done this setup and are there any concerns, considerations I should think about?

this is what I had in my barn, behind the boxes was storage

However, storm sandy demolished everything behind the wall above, so I've improvised and put a few boxes right under the poop board / roost

Now below is the new one we made for when we rebuild
The roost isn't on it yet

After testing it out, I'm actually going to swing it around because the boxes are flush on the other side, the side showing, the boxes are rather 'under' the board, and well, a pain to bend over and reach it)
Thanks. That's basically what I had in mind on a smaller scale. The poop board would be about 16-18" wide and be pretty much right over the boxes. I would clean the poop board and retrieve eggs from the back of the nesting boxes by opening a door from the front of the coop. The coop is raised about 30 inches off the ground so I won't be bending over to retrieve the eggs.

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