
Wanting to write a new post about hanging food for the chickens, are they okay to have butternut squash and peppers?

Under the learning tab there is a post on suitable chicken treats/extras, it's good reading. I understand butternut (squash in general) is ok but chickens are ho-hum about it. Not sure on peppers - you could try them but I don't think they'll be a big hit - prove me wrong!
Hi guys, just wondering if you could help.
We've had our chicks for a few weeks now, after a couple days one of them started laying. Then last week we went away on a work trip and left the chicks on their own with parents checking on them and topping food and water up every other day.
After a few days with us away she stopped laying and a week later she is still not laying... Is there anything we can do?
Hi guys, just wondering if you could help.
We've had our chicks for a few weeks now, after a couple days one of them started laying. Then last week we went away on a work trip and left the chicks on their own with parents checking on them and topping food and water up every other day.
After a few days with us away she stopped laying and a week later she is still not laying... Is there anything we can do?

Did I mention chickens don't like change? It may simply be that she didn't deal well with the temporary change, also she is still young so her equipment may not be up to speed quite yet. as long as she is well, no signs of problems she will start up again - she's punishing you for leaving!

Patience my friend
Okay so just gone and checked on her bonus is that we have a egg! But she is sneazing again. I would post a video of it but not sure how...any ideas on a sneazing chicken is it bad?

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