Rooster becoming aggressive


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2015
My rir rooster who is just under one is starting to become aggressive towards me when i enter the coop to feed them and bring them treats. I have 8 hens with him and they all get along fine. But he has jumped up and kicked me 3 times now...whats goin on???
I can't say if it's "common". It happens with roosters sometimes. The last several roosters I had were great birds. They were not pets, but they did stay out of my way when I went out to the chickens. Sometimes it was frustrating because they'd herd the hens away so it was hard to get a good look at them if I wanted one. The first one was a Brahma rooster, the next was his son, and the last was his grandson. The first two died in predator attacks, the last one I found dead under the roost one morning. He was just a year old. So, this spring I'm going to order some chicks of several breeds and hope that the one breed I'm looking at for a rooster will give me a nice gentle one. I'm hoping for a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster to lead my flock, because they are supposed to be a heavier breed and are also pretty. We'll see. I think I'm going to get straight run birds of all the breeds I'm looking at and hope for at least a couple of hens of each breed. Speaking of breed, it can matter. Not always, but there are some that are known to be more easy going than others. Brahmas, like I mentioned. I believe Buff Orpingtons are also a good gentle breed. As Mrs. K says, roosters are a crap shoot. You don't know what you're going to get until they mature.
However, I do think that a rooster raised up in a flock under mature birds is less aggressive that a rooster that is raised with just flock mates.

My theory is that the older birds thump some manners into them. Where as when they are raised with just hatch mates, the roosters will quickly out grow the pullets, are the biggest thing in the flock and can get their way all the time. They just believe they are tougher than anything else in the world including people.

Ask around, people often have a really nice rooster, so nice that they just didn't cull him right away. That is the rooster you want.

Mrs K
Whoop him, when he is 2 and the spurs are 2" long you will be sorry. Always roosters on craigslist that wont be as aggresive and you can find one that isnt sick, just quarantine it. You may be able get it free. RIR are notorious for being people aggresive. They are good to eat.
My rir rooster who is just under one is starting to become aggressive towards me when i enter the coop to feed them and bring them treats. I have 8 hens with him and they all get along fine. But he has jumped up and kicked me 3 times now...whats goin on???

Now i dont know a lot about roosters but try this:
When ever he starts puffing up, you do the same and look him in the eyes. And he might back off.
Another thing might be squirting him with a water gun or squirt bottle when he charges.
I dont know a hole lot but i hope this helps
If he were mine, he'd be in the stewpot. Especially if there are young kids on the place. You don't need to deal with an aggressive rooster.

Of course, you are the only one who can decide how much you're ready to put up with.
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