Rooster Behavior at 6 weeks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 1, 2011
Lower Eastern Shore
I have 2 6 week old BR roo's. I moved them outside for good Sunday morning. THey have been outside during the day prior to the final move. Sunday evening when I moved them to the coop they both followed me from the run into the coop, no issues, nodda. Yesterday morning I went out and let them out of the coop, again they followed me into the run just as happy as can be. Went out a few times during the day and check/talked/played with them. Feed them some scratch etc. Yesterday before dinner (6pm ours) I went out with my 7 yr old and we went inside the run to change food/water hangers. They both were "dancing" around playing with my daughter while I did the "chores"
When I went to hand feed them like usual, they both seemed very agressive towards me. their pecking wasnt like usual. They would peck, hold and yank! OUCH. Didnt do it with my child. Also the 1st night in the coop my hubby and I took turns checking on them, the last time he went out, the calmer of the 2 pecked him and wouldnt let go. He said "HEY" and roo looked up at him then let go?? Normal or agression? I didnt know if this is a sign of things yet to come
I have 4 4week olds in the brooder still with 10 hens coming from ideal on the 25th. In the 4, I am sure I have 2 roo's. We are raising chickens for all reasons but will keep 1-2 roos depending on tempermant. I will not be attacked for "fun" when I enter the run.
I've been bitten by plenty of 6 week old chicks and most of them were pullets. I'd certainly be cautious with your daughter around any roosters though. Children make erratic movements that can trigger a roosters defense of his flock.
This morning when I let them out he seemed fine. He didnt follow me as usual to the run so i picked them up and put them in there. No problem there. I see them charging each other alot! the more agressive one keeps jumping on the back of the "whimpy" one. I say that because he doesnt do anything but run away. Then he gets attacked over and over. Hmmmm...I worried if I will see a dead chicken when I go out at 1pm to check on them and give treats.

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