rooster dead--unknown predator


I agree with prariechicken on security. It's what I would do if I could.

But please don't feel bad about telling us how you feel. Most of us on this forum have chickens as pets and they do become our children. We all have our favorites, our buddies, and, unfortunately, they seem to be the ones the preditors get first. I am very sorry for your loss. Could you perhaps hatch some of the fertile eggs from your hens? You can never replace your precious roo, but if you had some of his children you would have something to remember him by.

You're not crazy, Billy Bob was family, he just came wrapped in feathers......
hi, again. thanks for all the suggestions and advice. i will be heading to the hardware store this weekend to pick up some poultry wire to reinforce their pen. i have also left the light on in there at night, which will hopefully deter the predators.

i do have one of Billy's sons who was hatched in september. he was big enough to start fighting with Billy, which is why he and PJ were in a different pen. his name is Spot (my daughter named him) and he is the spitting image of Billy. i am working with him and the girls, holding them and feeding them by hand, and hopefully they will become more people friendly, as Billy was. my daughter and i are also making a flower garden around the spot where we buried Billy that we are calling "Billy's Garden", in memory of him. and my sister, who also loved Billy, is buying a plaque with his name on it.

anyway, thanks again to everyone for the advice and condolences. you have all helped a lot.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my wonderful rooster Elwood P. Dowd last year. I have him buried on a hill with a cross. I understand your hurt. :hit Your run should have a chicken wire top, a chicken wire apron with rocks on top. Nothing can fly in, or climb in and nothing can dig under that way. I used 2 ft tall hardware cloth around the bottom perimeter of the run so little hands can't reach through to grab chickens while they sleep. With a few changes your new rooster will be very happy and safe. Again, so sorry to hear about Billy. Hugs! :hugs

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