rooster fight - both lost


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Ohio near Coshocton
I guess my roos have decided on a pecking order. I looked out in the run and my roos looked like a new breed. Both are covered in blood all the way from head to under the chest. I ran down there but the fight was done. They look horrible. Their combs are ripped up badly. They aren't bleeding anymore but for the next battle I'd like some advice please. What is a good blood stopper for their combs? I was thinking about Quik stop like we used on toenails for the dogs. But I'm out!

Yes, I know one will have to go. But the neighbor I was planning on gifting with a pretty roo doesn't have the coop done yet.
Not real pretty roos anymore either. I was planning on letting someone show the one roo at the fair. Not anymore. His perfect comb looks like hamburger. The poor things. I was stupid to keep two. Learn from me my friends.
wow, when I read your post title I thought you meant they were both dead.
Glad they survived, but yep, sounds like time for separation. Sorry about your pretty boy's comb. Can you separate them by dividing the run or coop somehow until the other person's coop is ready? Maybe even bring one inside... hope you can work it out. I sold my big beautiful barred rock b/c he decided he was going to take top roo spot from Sarge, (RIR), and Sarge was determined that wasn't gonna happen... Now the roo/hen ratio is more what it should have been, Brewster will have his own flock of BR ladies, and things are more peaceful in the run.
Be careful that the Quik Stop doesnt have a pain killer in it. We actually use super glue. Pinch the comb till the bleeding stops and while keeping it pinched, apply super glue to the wound and hold a few seconds. Blood stop powder, flour, sugar or anything else usually recommended doesn't do much sometimes.
Don't feel so bad. I have three roos. They grew up together and were fine and then one day....
Now I have them in separate pens. What a pain in the ....
Search on here for care on injured birds. With a little care they should be ok. Although the combs won't be so pretty anymore. And they do look awfull after a fight.
Mostly you should clean them up with saline solution, dry them and keep them seperate from here on.
The feathers will grow back nice and bright.
Alternative blood stoppers are: corn starch, flour and cotton balls. Cotton, when held on a wound helps to stop the bleeding. Even quick stop takes a few minutes. Be carefull what product you use on the combs, because it may get into the eyes.
I have used a product called Liquid Skin on my roos combs. It comes with a little brush and you brush on a couple layers and it dries and makes like a little protective shield. It kinda stings a bit when I use it on myself so I make sure I blow on it some also. Plus, it dries a little faster between layers that way too. Doesn't seem to bug the roos to much and it comes off on its own within a couple days. When we first got our "game" birds and were trying out methods to keep everyone tied up and seperate we had a few incidents. Someone would come untied and go beat up someone else until we noticed or came home and busted them. There were a couple times the boys got pretty beat up. I guess needless to say, our roosters are used to showers (to rinse off the blood), towels (for drying), Saliene Eye Drops (for rinsing out their eye balls and loosing anything that dried and is hard to get off) and Liquid Skin (for bandaging). Don't feel bad, it happens. Just put together a little "rooster first aid" kit and seperate them.
Thank you everyone! Sorry about the title hon. I wasn't thinking. ((hugs))

I logged off to go check the boys. Usually they roost by each other on a separate boys only roost closer to the floor. This time only Bruce was on the roost. I freaked. I thought I'd find Punt dead. But I found him alive! He was perched with the girls and staying as low to the perch as he could get. He looks like a beaten dog. I guess Bruce is the ruler now. The boys are brothers and have ruffled feathers at each other before but seemed fine. I don't know why they fought. But then I can't figure out my human kids either!

I don't have room to separate them. The first thing when the ground thaws I'm making a larger run. I talked to the boss about it a few days ago and he agreed the chickens need more room outside. Maybe I can get a bachelors pad added to the new part. Keep your fingers crossed. Just a little coop for the sweet roo. Then a few guineas to keep him company. Maybe a duck or two. I can always hope.
Mommy needs more pets.
Tomorrow be prepared, chances are they will be moving slow and more then one eye will probably be swollen shut. Their faces, combs and wattles are going to bruise out a dark purple and look bad.

Good news though is that in less then a week they will recover. Chances are they will feel so good they will be at it again.
Thank you for the warning! I still can't beleive they did this or how much blood there is. It's on the waterer, the walls and even a roost board. I know a little blood goes a long ways (just like dropping an egg on the kitchen floor - it covers more area than a half gallon of paint would).

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