Rooster in fight yesterday, lethargic today, runny nose at roost time, deceased 1 hour later! Information & advice please 🙏

Scots in France

Jan 30, 2021
Gaujan, Gers, France
Hiya everyone, thank you for being there to ask! 🙏💜🙏

I have a mixed Flock of free ranging chickens, big coop has 18 birds, 6 of them are roosters, ages 1 to 2 years old.

The boys have been having a few fights over the girls over the last month or so, just pecked combs, bit of blood, nothing worse! (intended to put 6 of them in the freezer, but I have had long covid and haven't been able to yet!)

Yesterday 2 of the boys were looking a bit beaten up at roost time, but both had supper.

This morning the exodus from the coop was as per every other day..

This afternoon the rooster was just crouching in the garden, head and tail drooping. When I approached he stood up and walked away.

This evening when I took their supper and to close the coop, he was tucked away in the corner away from the other birds.

I lifted him straight out of the co-op, fed the rest and shut them in.

He had mucous dripping from his beak.
Put him in a crate in the barn while I checked the symptoms of bird flu - didn't really have any of them.

Comb & wattles still bright red, comb not droopy.

No sign of any other injuries.

Returned to the barn an hour later, ready to dispatch him as the safest option to find him already deceased!

This is the first time I have experienced an ill bird, and want to do what I can to keep the rest of the birds healthy!

The body has been disposed of safely.

Everything I can disinfectant that touched him has been!

The coop is dry, draught free and well ventilated.

Any advice offered is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your time reading this!
🙏 💜 🙏 💜 🙏

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