Rooster lethargic


6 Years
Sep 29, 2013
I have been attending my rooster for several hours. He will drink but mostly just sleeps. I have massaged his crop in case it was sour. He threw up liquid. He's not twitching and his comb is not hot or discoloref end. Any suggestions?
More information and background would help. Have you recently acquired him, or have you brought any new birds home who could have brought in a new strain of coccidiosis? How old is he, and does he have any diarrhea? Check him for mites and lice. Is his crop large and squishy? Be sure to check it in early morning to see if it is empty. Here is some information about crop problems and coccidiosis:
Have had him since he was 3 weeks old. He is now 6 months old. Stool were fine in the house. No lice

or mites. Crop is squishy and I have been massaging it.
His comb seems darker. He is keeping his eyes open a bit longer. I fed him yogurt slurry. Anyone have any ideas?
A dark comb can be a sign of heart or lung problems. Does he have a sour smell to his breath? Sour crop can happen after a long period of impacted crop, or it can happen on it's own, and sometimes it happens at the same time as another illness. Don't give him any whole grains, just wet mash, yogurt, applesauce, raw or scrambled egg. Acidified copper sulfate 1/4 tsp per gallon of water is used by some as an antifungal for sour crop. Does he have any signs of coccidiosis--lethargy, not eating, diarrhea (sometimes with blood,) huddling or puffing up? Enteritis can also cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.
I emptied out his crop. It wasn't sour smelling. No breathing problems and no twitching. No blood in his stools. Just a sleepy rooster. No sneezing or anything. I have no idea. I guess I'll see how he is in the morning. I have put him in a cage so he'll rest peacefully.
Can he stand and walk? How is his balance? Could he have eaten something to make him sick (botulism) or swallowed something that has gotten stuck?

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