Rooster Mating Feather Loss


Oct 27, 2022

This isn’t a super big problem just yet but it’s not getting better. One of our hens has been showing signs of feather loss along her back. We looked at it and decided to get Baba Yaga (the hen) a saddle. Well we got one for her and idk if it’s just that it doesn’t fit great or if we need to do something else but she has already managed to escape one saddle. It doesn’t seem to really be doing much for her unfortunately. She also seems to be the one getting mated the most since Ducky (rooster) has to keep a close eye on her since she is incredibly dumb. He frequently needs to retrieve her when she “gets lost”.

So now I’ve kinda turned my attention to okay what can we do to Ducky (the rooster) to stop the over mating. He has 6 hens all to himself and they are starting to all show the beginning signs of their feathers getting damaged. I think it’s probably time for us to trim his nails…. But I’m also not entirely sure how to do so and if there are any other options (I saw someone suggest nail caps like you’d put on a dog/cat but idk if that even really works.

He also is going to be super fun to trim and deal with since he is a jerk to people especially me lol (he does believe I am competition and am stealing his ladies especially Baba Yaga). We have some cat nail clippers we could use although they aren’t as sharp as I’d like. I’ll attach some photos of Baba Yaga and Ducky so you can see his nails and spurs and whatnot. I just want to know what y’all recommend we do. 787DE188-A349-4B7B-8090-32D2FCA76B86.jpeg 609B0297-753A-45D6-AD24-082B412E411B.jpeg 22E60649-C712-45EA-AE61-355D08A59486.jpeg CEFB7846-B331-4423-BFE2-B7A6D1A200E3.png 3755F040-F38F-4C9D-8EA3-57A25C0B9DD8.jpeg


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Damaged and broken feathers won't be replaced until the hens molt, so they will be like this for a while.
I do agree that the feathers are roughed up and she has some bare skin due to mating. That can happen. Saddles can help, but they do need to fit properly, so you may want to try a different style or size. If your hens are loose and free roam do consider that a saddle may get hung up in fencing, bushes, etc. Check fit every few days to make sure the saddle is on correctly, not too tight or causing abrasions.

As for the rooster, the only way to stop him from mating is to separate him from the girls. Not a great solution. Doesn't sound like he's abusive to the hens, he's just being a rooster.

As for nail trimming, you may find the article below helpful.
How can you tell the difference? I have a few chickens with this issue.
It is hard to tell the difference, because it is basically the same thing happening, where feathers are being scratched off their bodies. The mites live under the skin and are microscopic, so it isn't as clear a diagnosis as with other mites.

Usually with depluming mites there will be redness, and you may see them scratching themselves more often. If they are losing feathers in a place where the rooster couldn't be causing, or they lose them again after they molt and regrow them without the rooster getting a chance, I would get suspicious. Also depluming mites go dormant in cold weather, so if they keep their feathers in the winter and then lose them again when it gets warmer, that may be what is going on.

Luckily depluming mites are less serious to a birds health than other mites. Ivermectin is the most effective treatment.
Hi, guys. I'm hoping to piggyback on this thread since I'm looking at having to remove my rooster from the flock unless there's something I can do to help my gals. He's a decent protector from hawks and even though he tries to attack me regularly I'm trying to keep him on as a hired hand ;-), but I just noticed that all 8 hens have got sliced feathers and one already healed from a shallow wound a couple of weeks back.

I've already had Down Under saddles on every one of them for a while, but these feathers are shaved off all along the drumsticks near the vent! Anybody know of a saddle that covers that area without making a hen too hot?? We're heading into a summer that routinely gets above 115° F. I've had success with the Down Under saddles before, but it doesn't have enough coverage for this guy and I need to make sure the ladies don't get covered in stickers or too hot or stuck in a fence or anything. 🤦‍♀️🙏

Thanks for any tips!!
Can you show us some photos? Have you seen him ripping the feathers out of them? You want to make sure he is the cause of the feather loss before you rehome, unless you want to rehome just because of his personality. 😄
I get that. ;) I'm pretty sure it's from mating. They dealt with lice a couple of months back but they're doing quite well, and this pattern doesn't match mites. Plus the slice wound was pretty obvious. 🤦‍♀️ Will get pics later, thanks! :)
Oh, I see. I didn't realize he had cut to the skin. It sounds like you know what is going on. Don't feel like you have to keep him, I'm not sure that aggressive roosters are really enjoying their lives anyway.

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