Rooster Only Coop

I don't have one yet but I bet I will by next summer
I have at least 4 roos that are getting along fine right now. Only one knows how to crow. I'm sure
is about to break loose.
Correct me if i am wrong but won't roos only fight if they are trying to get with the hens ( other then your typical pecking order).
I have a bachelor coop/run with 8 roosters. Its right next to the ladies coop/run. They spend the majority of their day walking the fence, watching the ladies.
Well, I've been doing this for a couple of years and for the most part it works okay but if you have one roo that's a little smaller than the others or just has a weaker disposition it seems to become the prison ***** if you know what I mean. Sometimes you just have to take that one out because they will work it over so much that they finally kill it or it will starve itself to death because it won't come down from the roost.
I do have a pen where I keep several roosters, sometimes 10 or more. For the most part it works out Ok I do have to choose the proper roosters to keep there to keep the rukus to a minimum. I do only use this pen for a short time maybe a month or so until I take the roosters to the sale barn or sell them.

Was there alot of excess crowing when they were all together? I had six roos that I got one time and 1 was blind in one eye. He was the one that got xxx frequently. The roosters will be 2 SG Dorkings, 2 B JG's , an ameracauna and an old type RIR. I wonder if the ameracauna should just stay with my hens.
mine crow the same amount as when they were in with the girls. there is one rooster that gets mounted the most. so i take him out occasionally and feed him seperately to make sure he's doing alright. the dynamics depend more on the birds personality than their type. you just have to put them in there and see how things go.

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