Rooster Opening & Shutting Mouth - Breathing Problems or Food Caught?


Woody Hollow
15 Years
Sep 23, 2007
Beaufort, MO
For the past couple days, one of my older roosters is continuously opening and shutting his mouth like he gasping for breath or maybe food is caught. Any suggestions on what is the problem and/or what I should do for him?
He sounds hot. What have the temperatures been around your town? Whenever he does that, just mist him with some cool water, or feed him cold watermelon.Or something else cold. That will probably stop the behavior you're seeing. I know that when the temperatures get above 85 my flock does this.
As mentioned, the heat can cause what you're seeing. He could simply be adjusting his crop or could possibly have something stuck in his throat or crop. If there's something stuck, give him an eyedropperful of olive oil. Then gently massage his neck down to just below his crop. He'll either puke or pass whatever is stuck. Gapeworms are rare in chickens.
Thanks. It has been hot - heat indexes over 100. But that is not uncommon for here. He is eating and drinking and has stopped doing it. I guess I got a little concerned because my oldest RR bantam hen was doing the same thing a couple months ago and even though she was eating and drinking, she went down hill within a couple weeks and died.

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