Rooster or Chicken


10 Years
Jul 28, 2013
North East CT
Me and the family began our chicken adventure in June of this year and hit the ground running. There has been alot of learn as you go from the start and it we still have a lot to learn. We ended up with 10 chickens from 4 different places (all local farms or do it yourself chicken owners) so it was luck of the draw on the sex of the chix we got. Each place applied their own folklore and knowledge on how to pick hens and not roosters, allegedly. So 4 months in and still having fun I am forced to question if those chicken sellers knew what they were doing and dumped their baby roosters on us. Out of our 10 we got over a 2 month period I think 5 are roosters. And of course we lost one that appeared to be a pullet overnight so down to 9 with a possible 5 roosters... I hope I am wrong but seems as though the learning curve is still strong I figured Id reach out to the masses for help and guidance. I did my best to get pictures of them but they play in a fern patch all day and it was hard to get pics. I will continue to add pics to this post as I am able to get them.

This is Sunset I was told she would be an easter egger however by all appearances she looks rooster. Also I see her/ him puffing neck feathers out alot and squaring off with the others.

This is Serena named by my daughter. Again this bird appears to be a rooster. It has been feisty for awhile, squares off with my hand when I change out water in coop but doesn't attack. I was told it is a dominque.

This is McLovin, Told it is a bantam cochin, This bird is dam near impossible to photograph very evasive!! It does have a comb and hanging red gobbler as well. Does tat mean rooster all the time? I dont know.

This is Ella also named by my daughter. We are trying to steer her towards Eliot but no luck so far on name change. Clearly a rooster, crows all the time and by all appearances is the boss. He is a bantam. No I know he is a rooster and he has always been a gentle bird, very pleasant. Yesterday that changed. My 5 yr old daughter was playing in the yard and he charged her out of no where and pecked her leg. Then later that same evening my wife went out to put the chickens in the coop like she always does and as soon as she walked out the door Ella charged 40' feet across front yard and proceeded to chase my wife around the whole yard. Hilarious!!!! Wish I got it on camera. But Ella meant business he wasn't playing. I went outside and nothing. Ella was normal completely calm. My daughter came up seeing it was safe and Ella charged her. Needless to say my family has since forwarded all chicken care to me now. Any ideas what changed? Why is he attacking everyone but me? I dont want to get rid of him but the chicken adventure was primarily a family fun project for all. Any help or insight would be appreciated.

This is McNugget, This btird came with Sunset and Serena and is also allegedly an easter egger. This is the biggest bird I have. It's comb is small and no much of a hanging gobbler (sorry I don't chicken nomenclature, yet) But this one puffs up neck feathers alot and likes to cause trouble.

So this is my plight for better or worse. It would be sad to have ended up with so many roosters as I am counting on the eggs coming to renew the excitement of it all for the kids. I am looking forward to the replys. If anyone feels more pics are needed of a particular bird for sex identification let me know I will also be posting pics of my other 4 which I believe hope and pray are hens. Confirmation is always good. Thanx all
Flock 'N family
Okay Took me a few trys but I think I got decent pics of the last 4 birds as they raided my compost bin, here they are :

This is Mama Latte, Bantam I'm pretty sure she pullet as she came at same time with Ella the rooster

This is Mater, also a bantam that came at same time with Ella the rooster pretty sure its a pullet

This is McMissle came with Mclovin, Im told bantam cochin / mix breed. Has a fluffy head like a silkie, I hope this is a pullet

This is poppy, came with Mclovin and Mcmissle
Those are all roosters in the first set of pics, pullets as far as I can see in the second. Buying sexed pullets from a hatchery is usually the best way to go, but that's still only 90%. If you want to be absolutely, positively sure, find started pullets ready to lay or already laying. Before you buy them, post pics here to be sure they're what the seller says. That would be the best way to go.
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were you responding to first set of pics with initial post or to my next post of my other 4 chickens that I hope are pullets, If I have 9 roosters I making a big pot of soup!!!
were you responding to first set of pics with initial post or to my next post of my other 4 chickens that I hope are pullets, If I have 9 roosters I making a big pot of soup!!!
Yes, we posted at the same time which is why I edited to say the first set of pics. first set on the thread is male, second set appear to be female.
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