rooster or hen?


In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2015
I have my very first flock of baby chicks. 2 Aracauna's, 2 Barred Rocks, and 1 Rhode Island Red. They are all supposed to be pullets. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my rocks happens to be a rooster. At what age of a baby chick can you begin to tell by outward appearances that she is a he? I think I am seeing the beginnings of waddles and the comb is bigger than the other rock.
Thanks for any input.
Different characteristics can be seen at different ages - and more experienced eyes can often see them more readily and sooner than those new to evaluating them. If you post photos of your birds we can help you sort things out. When you do so try to get photos of the bird that show them in a natural, standing position that shows the whole bird (head to tail, including legs) and a nice head shot as well - include the age of the bird (listing it in weeks can be helpful if under 4-5 months) because that factors into evaluating what you are seeing when you look at the bird. What might mean cockerel at 8 weeks could mean pullet at 12, etc.
Different characteristics can be seen at different ages - and more experienced eyes can often see them more readily and sooner than those new to evaluating them. If you post photos of your birds we can help you sort things out. When you do so try to get photos of the bird that show them in a natural, standing position that shows the whole bird (head to tail, including legs) and a nice head shot as well - include the age of the bird (listing it in weeks can be helpful if under 4-5 months) because that factors into evaluating what you are seeing when you look at the bird. What might mean cockerel at 8 weeks could mean pullet at 12, etc.
Different characteristics can be seen at different ages - and more experienced eyes can often see them more readily and sooner than those new to evaluating them. If you post photos of your birds we can help you sort things out. When you do so try to get photos of the bird that show them in a natural, standing position that shows the whole bird (head to tail, including legs) and a nice head shot as well - include the age of the bird (listing it in weeks can be helpful if under 4-5 months) because that factors into evaluating what you are seeing when you look at the bird. What might mean cockerel at 8 weeks could mean pullet at 12, etc.

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