Rooster or no rooster


Apr 27, 2016
I am currently raising my very first group of mostly "barnyard mixed" chickens and they are 16 weeks old. There are 11 pullets and 1 surprise silkie cockerel that recently started crowing. He is very sweet and cuddly and causes no problems in the coop so far (they are confined to a coop and run most of the time). I said I would get rid of any roosters but of course I am attached to him now! My question is: if I keep him, will he cause my hens' feathers to fall out when mating or otherwise hurt them? I don't want my hens to have bare backs or injuries from him. Just wondering if this is "always" the case when there is a rooster in the group. I just want them to be happy! But I also like this cuddly little guy and he gets along with the girls very well!

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11 pullets to one roo is perfect.
And you're not the only one with a "surprise" cockerel, LOL! I feel you!
I am very attached to my little Rocky!
I talk to him every day and tell him to be a good boy. My hubby thinks I'm a half a bubble off plumb, ha ha!
Hope all works out for you!
I am in the same position right now. 5 pullets and one suprise roo. I'd like to keep him but am trying to consider all things before I decide. I'm going to follow the answers you get.
Are the pullets larger breed than your Silkie rooster?

Yes the pullets are are New Hampshire reds, EE's and barred rocks. The rooster is definitely the smallest and wimpiest in the group!
This beautiful 14 week old rooster had to go bye bye this morning for a freezer camping trip. I am not allowed to have roosters, for some reason he came from a sexed pullet group I raised since day 2. He started crowing @11 wks and been trying to breed with my 19 wk olds. Pretty sad
He had to go. Since he protected them from my 2 year olds and 1 yr olds layers from being bullied.


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We just had to cull our rooster today. After several attempts at breaking him of the 'attacking me' habit. My girls are used to him running the coop. I'm kinda wondering how they will adjust. Assuming my dominant hen will take over. ?
I would say keep the little guy if you like him. With all the big girls in there he should not cause an issue with feathers. My sikies rooster was in with 8 sikies girls and never caused a feather issue.
Good luck

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