Rooster Spurs?


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
Central Calif. Kind of.
Hi everyone,
I am new at this, and I am rasing my first chickens ever. I have 12 banties that are 3 weeks old. I am wondering if anyone can tell me. Do all rosters get a spur, and when does it start to develop?
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All of your chicks will get a 'bump'. One the roos, it woll grow bigger. My chicks are 8 weeks old, and the roos have a 'bump' thats roughly the size of the tip of a pencils lead. In other words, still quite small, but bigger on them than on the pullets. They started getting the bumps around 4 weeks old.
Yes, all roosters have spurs, BUT some hens can get them too.

If you are trying to determine the sex of your chicks, the development and reddness of the comb are usually the first rooster signs. However, a lot depends on the breed also.
Thanks for the help. I noticed that they were getting a bump and thought that they were getting spurs. I guess I will just have to wait and see. I am glad to know that they all get the bump because when I saw it, I was getting a little bummed because I thought they were all roos.

Thanks again
at what age will the roosters have actual spurs? my Spot is 7 months old, and all he has still is a bump. he also sets in the nest and coos sometimes. what does THAT mean?

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