Rooster that don't crow?


14 Years
Oct 30, 2007
Simpsonville, SC
is there such a thing???

What breeds don't crow as loud or as often?

(The one I have is every other hour!
It all depends on the bird.

For some reason though, I don't remember the last time my roo caleb crowed... Actually, I don't remember the last time I heard a crow.... I must be immune to crowing.
I thought I had one that didn't crow, out a weird group of chicks I got last fall, I ended up with 9 roosters & 7 hens; I was living in the country and the crowing didn't bother me or anyone else but I moved and brought my hens with me and I kept one roo that I never once heard or saw him crow SO thinking it was neat to at least have one roo after moveing to a semi-urban area BUT he figured out that he was the one and only head cheese, I found out that he did in deed crow and he hardly ever shutup!

All I could figure out, he was either lazy and just let the other boys crow or was just shy but let me tell you, once he was alone with the girls all to himself, he was like that blind rooster on the tv (you know the one, were the guy is complaining he hasn't had a good night's sleep since the rooster went blind!).


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