Rooster turns blue when stressed


6 Years
Jun 1, 2013
North TX
I have had this white oegb rooster for a week since day one has turned blue in the comb waddles Earlobes when stresses / handled/ transported. What could it be?
It could be that he has a heart proble or a breathing problem. If he is molting, that be be more stressful, too. I notice my head rooster has been doingthat at times this week, and he has been molting lately. As long as it pinks up when he is not stressed, I would just watch him. Make sure that he has not mites or lice on him, and I would also worm him with Valbazen 1/8 to 1/4 ml given orally, then repeat it in 10 days.
My buff orpington rooster does the same thing. If I pick up one of my hens and carry her out of the run his comb will have a bluish tinge on the edges. He's been doing it since he's grown a comb, and everything else seems fine about him.

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