Rooster wing torn off (PIC)


Chroma Critters

5 Years
Nov 5, 2017
I got up yesterday morning and notice my herd guard dog was frantically carrying something toward me. She dropped a small bird at my feet which I sadly discovered was my little Antwerp Rooster, Dio. He was breathing, but in shock and unresponsive when I picked him up. His right wing was completely ripped off but he had no other visible injuries. No evident bruising or swellings either, mud on his feathers with only a few clumps removed, most tail feathers missing.

Before I freaked out at the dog, I noticed she had no blood on her face/no feathers around her mouth. I had my husband go out and see if we had lost any other chickens and he found a dead racoon but found no other chickens down. It looks like my Nanook saved the floc from a local predator...

He seems like a fighter, not willing to just lay down and die, but is there anything else I can do for him without the aid of a vet?

Moved here from Idaho for work and not familiar with the local area yet.

I just remembered the little cheat sheet at the head of this forum... Here it is all filled out... Sorry for the long winded post... I am not frantic, just wanting to make sure I am doing right by little Dio.

1) He is a Belgian Antwerp, Rooster, about 2 years old, 3 lbs maybe? He is Tiny.
2) Eating and drinking now, making comfort noises to his hen
3) Yesterday morning is when he was hurt (11/5/17) before 0800.
4) Missing 2 other roosters, but no one else living with injuries, no bodies found
5) Right wing ripped off (racoon attack)
6) A racoon attacked my birds, my herd guardian dog killed it...
7) Feeding mixed grain feed, (some with 2 tbsp greek yogurt mixed with 2 cups feed) Drinking water.
8) Normal poop so far. I keep his cage lined with newspaper and old towels so I can see better. Cleaned daily when I get home from work.
9) Flushed the wound with water and applied CutNHeal.
10 ) I plan to treat at home. I have many medications already for goats, rabbits, chickens, dogs, and cats... and I have not lived here long... don't know if there are local vets who care for chickens. In my experience they just wait til your bird dies and want to cut them up to see why they died, not treat the sick.
11) I do have a pic, just figuring out how to get it attached to this message... The dark areas are dried CutNHeal, it always looks nasty on the surface but it has saved attacked critters for me before. No bones sticking out, it looks like it got detached at the joint...
12) Dio and his little hen are inside now with a heat lamp on one side of a large guinea pig cage. Free food and water. I have been watching him eat though, so I know it is not all the hen's doing that food and water are vanishing.

I will keep updating on his progress should he make it a second night. He started panting when I treated the wound this evening...


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Poor fellow! I hope he pulls through! Sounds like he is a fighter. I'd get him a good balanced high protein feed with all the essential vitamins and minerals to help him heal quickly (like a grower or feather fixer feed) as well as high protein treats such as scrambled eggs. Good luck and I hope you update on how he is doing.
Wow! Poor guy! I would give supportive care and make sure the wound is clean. I would do something to keep it from drying out too quickly and use antibiotic ointment, if possible. What treatment have you been doing? It sounds like he is doing remarkably well, all things considered.
I would guess he was panting from pain, but also watch for infection. He may need antibiotics. I am confident you will get more helpful advice here. I do wonder... have you been able to look him over for any other injuries? (not that a wing torn off isn’t injury enough! Juat want to be sure there are no internal injuries).
Please keep us posted! And.... your dog is a hero!
Do you have penicillin? That looks like it could rapidly develop into something really nasty, and a small bottle is only $10 at TSC. The shelf life's a year or two, so even if you don't need it now... I always keep some around the house.

Dose is 0.25 mL (cc) once a day for four days.

I'd also clip some of the feathers around the wound.

Other than that, I can't think of anything. Good luck. I really hope he pulls through.

You have a good dog. Good on you for training her.
Probably in shock. Keep him warm and hydrated. Using a syringe give him water every four hours if he doesn’t drink much on his own. You can give him nutridrench, and water directly after. Keep the wound clean, make sure the hen does not peck at it. I’ll be praying! Keep us updated!
Good dog.

I'd get antibiotics on board right away. And periodically put some kind of ointment to keep it from drying and cracking (if it were me, once daily- it does need to get air, but not TOO much air. Kind of a balancing act I know..). Corona ointment is my go to, it's a yellow tube sold for horses. I use on myself and my animals as well.

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